Wilsonville Baptist small groups are held in private homes for fellowship and Bible study using professionally prepared study materials.  Select the study below that interests you, and contact the facilitator to sign up.

The following studies will begin on Sunday, October 2, 2016 after the evening worship service (approx. 6:30 pm).

What Are You Afraid Of?  by David Jeremiah (6 weeks)

Facilitator:  Mike Mims, 205-438-4524
Location: The Mims home, 12 Dusty Way, Harpersville
Target Audience:  Open to anyone

The question “what are you afraid of?” can be translated “What is it that immobilizes you?  What is stealing your joy and destroying your hope?  What is robbing you of sleep night after night?  What keeps you from living by faith and being a risk taker?  What keeps you from giving your life wholly to a loving God who wants nothing but the best for you?”  This study examines these fears: defeat, depression, disconnection, disease, and death.  It guides you to realize that God is the answer for all of your fears and to replace your unhealthy fears with a proper fear of God.

The Real Heaven:  What the Bible Actually Says by Chip Ingram (6 weeks)

Facilitator: Dave Chanslor, 205-531-4997
Location:  The Chanslor home, 122 Heron Cove, Wilsonville
Target Audience:  Open to anyone

What comes to mind when you think of heaven?  Clouds?  Harps? Angels?  Singing?  Now, honestly, does that really sound like a great way to spend eternity?  The good news is, that is not what heaven is like.  When you discover what really awaits you there, it will radically change your view of your future and of heaven.  This study digs into scripture to reveal what our heavenly home will be like, what we will do there, what we will experience, and how we are to prepare for eternity today.

Jonah: Navigating Life Interrupted by Priscilla Shirer (7 weeks)

Facilitator: Diane Webb, 205-936-0155
Location:  Wilsonville Baptist Church, Room 237
Target Audience:  Women

What do we do when God interrupts our lives?  Many times, like Jonah, we run!  The author redefines interruption and shows that interruption is actually God’s invitation to do something beyond our wildest dreams.  When Jonah was willing to allow God to interrupt his life, the result was revival in an entire city.

Distinct: Living Above the Norm by Michael Kelley and Grant Ethridge (6 weeks)

Facilitator: Marlin Smith, 205-540-8419
Location:  Wilsonville Baptist Church, Room 336
Target Audience:  Open to anyone

We like to fit in. But we were made to be different and live in such a way that it’s clear we aren’t bandwagon crowd-followers; we’re followers of Jesus.  That fact makes us stand apart—distinct from the crowd.  When we started following Jesus, everything about us changed, whether we recognized those changes or not.  We have a new heart, we have new desires, and we have new attitudes.  And all of that newness stands in sharp contrast to the old.  This study explores how Jesus helped His followers—both then and now—see just how different God made us to be.  Every day of our lives is filled with opportunities for us to compromise and blend in with the norm.

Unstoppable Gospel by Gregg Matte (6 weeks)

Facilitator: Phyllis Mayfield, 205-837-2934
Location: The Mayfield home, 400 Homestead Drive, Wilsonville
Target Audience:  Open to anyone

Don’t write off the church.  Some people already have.  They say they like Jesus, but there’s no point to the church.  As far as they’re concerned the church is a failed institution.  This study journeys through the exciting early days of the church.  Discover what made the early church so powerful—so unstoppable. We will see how scared disciples who were completely powerless and uncertain of the future become empowered and effective men and women advancing through the world, proclaiming the unstoppable gospel. This story of the unstoppable gospel continues today. It is our story as members of the church.

Unvarnished Truth by Blake Gideon (6 weeks)

Facilitator: Tony Nafe
Location: Wilsonville Baptist Church, Room 337
arget Audience:  Open to anyone

Churches talk about the importance of evangelism and reaching the lost, but it remains a low priority in the lives of many Christians.  This study explores three main truths about God:  1) The all-powerful, sovereign God created everything through Christ and for his glory, 2) God is holy and righteous, and His wrath is against our sin, and 3) Jesus took God’s wrath for us, forgives us, and brings us into relationship with God. What is the truth?  A lot of people have asked that question through the ages.  Unfortunately, our own opinions or desires often obscure the truth.  For many, truth can become whatever we want to believe.  In much the same way a person strips away layers of old paint to get to the original beauty of a priceless antique, this study seeks to remove all the layers of lies and opinions that have clogged our culture in recent decades.  The goal is to get to the unvarnished truth of what really matters.  In the process we will see that the truth in Christ becomes our greatest story—the one we must believe to enter a relationship with God, and one each of us must go and tell to help others do the same.

The following studies will begin on Sunday, October 9, 2016 after the evening worship service (approx. 6:30 pm).

The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren (6 weeks)

Facilitator: Anita Gibson, 205-948-8618
Location: The Gibson Home, 114 Fawn Meadows Lane, Wilsonville
Target Audience:  Open to anyone

In this study the authors explore both the spiritual and the health benefits of following a healthy lifestyle based on Daniels’ fast found in scripture.  You will learn about The Daniel Plan, how it was started, why it is healthy.  The study will flesh out the five F’s:  friends, food, faith, fun, and focus.  Each session will highlight testimony from Rick Warren as well as others who have incorporated The Daniel Plan into their everyday lifestyle, plus tips on getting started and medically based information on maintaining a healthy lifestyle by following The Daniel Plan.  Research has revealed that people getting healthy together lose twice as much weight as those who do it alone. God never meant for you to go through life alone and that includes the journey to health.  Unlike the thousands of other books on the market, this book is not about a new diet, guilt-driven gym sessions, or shame-driven fasts.

The following studies are already in progress but you can join them at any time by contacting the facilitator.

Judges (will study another book from the Bible when finished)

Facilitator: Jeff Vick, 205-965-1788
Time:  Tuesday nights at 6:00 pm
Location:  The Vick home, 200 Carlton Point Lane, Wilsonville
Dinner is provided
Target Audience: Open to anyone

A walk through the Scripture (approximately two chapters per session)

I Samuel (will study another book from the Bible when finished)

Facilitator: Jeff Vick, 205-965-1788
Time: Thursday nights at 6:00 pm
Location: The Vick home, 200 Carlton Point Lane, Wilsonville
Dinner is provided
Target Audience: Open to anyone

A walk through the Scripture (approximately two chapters per session)

II Samuel (will study Hebrews when finished)

Facilitator: Chuck Webb, 205-865-2455
Time:  Tuesdays at 9:30
Location:  Wilsonville Baptist Church, Room 336
Target Audience: Open to anyone

A walk through the Scripture

True Spirituality: Becoming a Romans 12 Christian by Chip Ingram

Facilitator: James Dunn, 205-400-2087
Time: Sunday nights after evening worship service (approximately 6:30)
Location:  Wilsonville Baptist Church, Room 238
Target Audience: Open to anyone

A journey exploring Romans 12 and what is means to be a disciple of Jesus.  There is a lot of confusion among Christians and churches about what it means to live like a Christian.  The study cuts through the clutter and confusion and presents a clear and compelling picture of a true follower of Jesus straight from the Scripture.