Mission Brazil

2024 TRIP IS FULL. For the past several years, Wilsonville Baptist Church has partnered with Amazon Hope to spread the Gospel message of Jesus Christ along the Amazon River Basin. Four million people live along the river and tributaries where as many as 33,000 unreached villages have never heard the Gospel.

For more information regarding Brazil Missions, please contact Steve Thomas.


2024 TRIP IS FULL.  We partnered with two different churches in Alaska in 2023.  We are excited to go again in 2024! Consider joining us! For more information regarding missions in Alaska, please contact Tina Wiles.


Backpack Buddies

Our church family partners with Wilsonville Elementary School in providing weekend meals for students in need. If you would like to help with this valuable ministry, please contact Donna Harper.

Homebound Meals

Each month our volunteers coordinate and deliver meals to those in our church and community who are homebound.  If you would like to serve on the Homebound Ministry Team, or know someone that needs a meal delivered to their home, please contact Tina Wiles at 205.669.6663, ext. 1.