Bible Studies
Men's Bible Study
Mondays at 6 PM
The Book of Matthew
Please contact the Bible Study Leader,
Chuck Webb, for more information.
Ladies Bible Study
Mondays at 6 PM
"The Gospel on the Ground
- The Grit and Glory of the Early Church in Acts"
by Kristi Mclelland.
Please contact the Bible Study Leader,
Diane Webb, for more information.
Co-Ed Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6 PM
Study TBA
Beginning October
Please contact the Bible Study Leader,
Steve Thomas, for more information.
Sunday School Classes:
Find a Sunday School Class:
Sadie Smith Class, Upstairs
Teacher: Danny Moore
Fluker Class, Upstairs
Teacher: Lee Morton
Middle School and High School, Upstairs
Teachers: John and Tina Wiles
Leaders: Nick and Brooklyn Horton
Adult Class
Teacher: Steve Thomas
Married/Singles, Room 238
In addition, you can choose from two ladies only classes or a men's only class - all meet on the second floor (no steps, just enter through the Welcome Center double glass doors).
Children's Classes for Every Age:
Nursery (ages birth to 2 years) Room 104/106
Pre-K (ages 3 - 5 years) Room 107
Teacher: Chuck Webb
K5 - 2nd Grade, Room 101
Teacher: Margaret Battle
3rd - 6th Grade, Room 113
Teachers: Jim and Donna Harper
Children's Church (K-5 - 3rd grade)
Old Fellowship Hall
Teachers: Emily Dunn, Phyllis Mayfield,
and Chuck Webb